More Pictures
Here's a picture of the cats...
... and here they both are, playing on the blocks...
This is the gardener!
The gardner did put in a lot of work... This is towards the end of shifting eight tons of topsoil to make the levels right.
Just before putting the liner in the pond.
Jazz thought that hiding would mean that he'd be invisible.... but it didn't work. The camera detected him.
Some people! Fran just had to put the boat in the pond....
A nice autumnal picture.
Everything looking sort of complete and peaceful.
Both of the cats thought that the piles of wood, blocks, stone and so on were only put there for them to enjoy...
.... see what I mean?
... and it looks like there might be a kitteh altercation!
February 4th 2012... Snow in the garden, ice on the pond. No work happening on the gazebo roof here.... Snow stops play (you can see that it doesn't take much!).
Another view of the frozen pond.